Sarah Palin Biography
Monday, 30 May 2011 by admin
Sarah Palin Biography. Sarah Palin born February 11, 1964 is an American policy of the Republican Party. Alaska Governor between 2006 and 2009.
On 29 August 2008 announced that it would be the candidate for vice president of the United States by the Republican Party to accompany John McCain in the presidential nomination, becoming the first woman who aspires to the vice presidency of that country by the Republican Party and the second in history after Geraldine Ferraro, who in 1984 was running mate of Walter Mondale, Democratic Party candidate.
I was born a few months he moved with his family to Alaska.
Palin attended the local Institute of Wasilla, where she was the leader of the center of Christian Athletes and captain of the team baloncesto. helped the team win the Alaska school championship in 1982, hitting a critical free throw in the last moments of a decisive game, despite having an ankle fracturado. His classmates nicknamed "Sarah Barracuda" because of the intensity of their jugadas.
In 1984, Palin won the beauty contest "Miss Wasilla" and was in second place in the contest of "Miss Alaska", in which he won a scholarship escolar. In the Wasilla contest, played the flute and was elected "Miss Congeniality".

Palin was the Institute Hawaii Pacific College in Hilo, Hawaii, in 1982 during a semester, where she majored in Business Administration. In 1983 he enrolled at North Idaho College. In Palin 1987. obtained a degree in journalism from the University of Idaho, where he graduated in Science Políticas. worked for a short period of time as a sports reporter for several television local and assisted in the small family business with her husband dedicated to pesca.
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